Saturday, November 3, 2012

Work Progress

I am still working my 3D model and then my model trying to tie the major program spaces conceptually.


  1. Amr

    The diagrams and sketches look interesting. The graphical models are a good start, but they are still missing overlaps and connectivity. Perhaps some form of structure - literally, conceptually and programatically - will aid in suggesting these overlaps. Some spacial flows and connections are apparent in the folding nature of the plane models, but how the more "private" spaces work around this is yet to be seen. Perhaps the folded plane is more of a mass with "portals" separating each domain that reside in both horizontal and vertical situations.

  2. This is one layer of info, where a plane transforms in to a 3d space and applied to the galleries, theater and out door performance areas. I am still implementing other program elements as well as conceptual ties such as fragmented walls to separate spaces yet allow the passage of light and sound.

